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豐年樂 Celebration for a Good Harvest 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1996
豐年樂 Celebration for a Good Harvest 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1996

White Glaze

This piece depicts an episode of rural life in which a farmer amuses himself after a good harvest. His apparel, facial expressions and muscle texture reveal the qualities that farmers embrace -- hardworking, plain, kind and optimistic. Happy and pleased with himself, the farmer is playing a dragon-headed erhu and humming. With attentive and contented expressions in his eyes and with a stout barebacked torso, he sits cross-legged on the ground and the whole of his body sways naturally with the melody of the erhu produced by his fingers and bow. In a subtle but vivid way, the movements of the human body and the idea of the figure enjoying himself are fully expressed. This kind of mental state of being intoxicated with something that one enjoys reveals the real life of farmers and the carefree atmosphere of rural life.

The colour tones of the piece are in harmony: the bronze-colored skin, silvery white hair, eyebrows and beard, the beige shorts, and the purplish red dragon-headed erhu. Everything is so lively and rich in texture that one may say that the artist’s use of glazes has attained to perfection. The dull tone of the white glaze found on the shorts in particular realistically depicts the rough linen used to make clothes in rural areas, and such tone is aptly used to express the simplicity of the figure’s character.

Note:As early as in 1962, when he was 25,had worked on the motif of good harvest.The impoverished artist placed his feelings on his art, hoping that the farmers would have good harvests and that everybody lived happily in affluence.






豐年樂 Celebration for a Good Harvest 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1996
豐年樂 Celebration for a Good Harvest 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1996
 藥王孫思邈 Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1994

Transparent Glaze

This is a statue of Sun Simiao, a Tang medical practitioner devoted himself to the studies of medicine and pharmacy and to his bounden duty of relieving the pain of his patients.

Looking quite fatigued, the old medical practitioner is walking with a slightly bent body. Certain herbs are found after a tough mountain-climbing journey, and he believes that his patients will be cured with what he has found. His serious but smiling expressions indicate his heart-felt joy. This is a piece that depicts the practitioner’s kindness and noble character. The composition is meticulously worked out: the old man is held by the arm by a child and walking attentively, carefully and haltingly; the two are looking to the same direction. The bright eyes reveal a practitioner’s desire to saving patients’ lives.




 藥王孫思邈 Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1994
 藥王孫思邈 Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1994
醉翁歐陽修 Ouyang Xiu the Old Drunkard 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1978
醉翁歐陽修 Ouyang Xiu the Old Drunkard 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1978

Blue Jun Glaze

The piece depicts the artistic conception embraced by Ouyang Xiu: “The drunkard’s heart is not in the cup, but in the mountains and waters.” This great man of letters lies back on some stones, with his eyes half-closed. He has thrown himself into the arms of nature and is intoxicated by its beauty. The Flambé Blue Jun Glaze, which looks like the ever-changing glamorous clouds over mountains and forests and produces a beautiful sense of vagueness, is used on the figure’s clothes to produce a sense of oneness – nature and the drunkard’s heart are in harmony.



張仲景著傷寒論 Zhang Zhongjing Writes the Shang Han Za Bing Lun 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 2006
張仲景著傷寒論 Zhang Zhongjing Writes the Shang Han Za Bing Lun 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 2006

Cracked Yellow Glaze

This piece depicts the image of a great master of medicine as a careful thinker, who compiles his own experiences and those of his predecessors into a book with extreme meticulousness. With a carefully arranged composition, the image conveys a sense of strength and realism, with which the viewer is touched by the inner emotions of the figure. The deployment of glazes matches the subject matter very well. This is a piece of a clever use of traditional techniques and of innovation.



張仲景著傷寒論 Zhang Zhongjing Writes the Shang Han Za Bing Lun 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 2006
東坡賞現 Dongpo Admires an Ink Stone 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 2006

Transparent Glaze

The subject matter, “Su Dongpo admiring an ink stone”, is traditionally scholarly. The piece focuses on the psychology of the figure, whose carefree state of mind is expressed with his facial expressions and hand movements. Sitting leisurely on an old tree stump, he is admiring affectionately an ink stone in his right hand and is going to touch it with his left hand. The absorbed expressions of his eyes and his smile indicate his great love for this object. The Cracked White Glaze is ideal for depicting the scholarly temperament of the poet. The gentle and smooth lines of the drapery show the cubic effect in western sculpture and the charm of brush and ink in Chinese painting. This is a highly life-like piece with endless connotations.



東坡賞現 Dongpo Admires an Ink Stone 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 2006
東坡賞現 Dongpo Admires an Ink Stone 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 2006
辯才藏珍 The Orator Tries to Hide His Treasure 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1994-1995




Cracked Sky Blue Glaze

The piece is based on the story of Xiao Yi getting The Orchid Pavilion Preface by tricks. The Orchid Pavilion Preface (See Note) was a calligraphy scroll by Wang Xizhi handed down from ancient times and has been regarded as one of the rarest national treasures over generations. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (Emperor Tang Taizong) was informed that Master Orator of the Yong Xin Temple was in possession of the work and dispatched censor Xiao Yi as an emissary to get it. Master Orator had no desire in his life except that he treasured very much the scroll of The Orchid Pavilion Preface passed to him by his master, Monk Zhi Yong (a famous master of calligraphy and a descendant of the seventh generation after Wang). Realizing that a special agent was dispatched by the kingdom’s head to get the scroll by deception, Master Orator had to think hard to find out how he could confront such a powerful rival and to retain the treasure passed down from his master, Monk Zhi Yong.

This piece depicts the pondering monk, Master Orator, with the scroll of The Orchid Pavilion in his hands. There are rich details to enhance the figure’s solemn appearance and his perplexed mind that is thinking hard for a solution: the protruding lines on the heart show his anxiety and his great love for the scroll; big vertical pieces of drapery enhance his worries over the loss of the invaluable scroll and arouse the viewer’s respect for this man of noble intentions. All these remind the viewer of the story of how Xiao Yi got the scroll by deception. The elegant Sky Blue Glaze intensifies the scholarly temperament of the piece.

辯才藏珍 The Orator Tries to Hide His Treasure 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1994-1995
老子出關(紫氣東來) Laozi Leaving the City by Hangu Pass 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990
老子出關(紫氣東來) Laozi Leaving the City by Hangu Pass 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990

Cracked White Glaze

Liao Hongbaio depicts the episode of Laozi leaving the city by Hangu Pass as an allegory of Laozi’s aspiration for the life in a natural society – this is an important issue in Laozi’s thoughts – and of his pursuit of the state of “a person becoming noble when he has no more desire”. Frustrated with the downfall of the Zhou Dynasty, Laozi was determined to live as a hermit. He highly valued nature and called for living with the Way and its Virtue, regulating desires, being sincere, embracing calmness and cherishing one’s roots. Laozi believed that by doing the above one could be enlightened with the philosophy of life, and that nature was the ideal place where he could obtain enlightenment. Liao Hongbiao does not depict Laozi as a deity. He presents Laozi as an amiable elderly and a very wise man who appears slow-witted. Laozi’s broad forehead and thick white hair signify his great wisdom; two sharp eyes and a mild sense of indolence are put together to indicate that he loves to shrug off unnecessary formalities; slightly stooping, he hangs the bamboo slips of the Dao De Jing obliquely on his back; he waves his horsetail whisk carelessly with both hands, with a finger of his right hand pointing to forward the sky ; his eyes stare at the sky and it seems that he has entered the realm of primordial universe.

1985 Exhibition of Exquisite Ceramic Items of China Eastern Gallery New York

1985 中國陶塑精品展 紐約東方畫廊



畫龍點睛 (紅釉)  Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting its Pupils 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990-1992
畫龍點睛 (紅釉)  Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting its Pupils 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990-1992

Red Glaze

“Bringing the painted dragon to life by dotting its pupils” is a Chinese idiom, which means a stroke or a word is applied to the most important part of a painting or an essay to make the whole of it appealing and wonderful.The viewer is invited to focus his attention to the excited facial expressions of the painter and the raised folds of the drapery. With reference to the folds of drapery, Liao requires them to fit the emotions of his figures and does not think that they should also be reasonable. The rhythm of the drapery folds in movements shows strength and beauty, and rhythm of this kind is the artistic language and the style that Liao uses to express emotions. With clear, jumpy and graceful lines, he captures and depicts the very short instant of the dragon’s readiness to fly once its eyes are dotted and uses this readiness as a foil to reveal the excitement of the painter.

1982 Award of Product of Excellence in the National Competition of Artistic Design of Ceramics 1983 National Gold Medal in the Shiwan Ceramic Figures Competition

1982 全國陶瓷美術設計評比 優秀產品獎 1983 石灣陶塑人物評比 獲國家金質獎




畫龍點睛  Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting its Pupils 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990-1992
畫龍點睛  Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting its Pupils 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990-1992

Liao had expended all his energies over a year to strive to produce the ideal glaze for“Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting Its Pupils”

畫龍點睛  Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting its Pupils 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990-1992

When the firing was finished and“Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting Its Pupils”was taken out from the kiln, seeing that his Flambé Blue Jun Glaze was a success, Liao Hongbiao was in exultancy.

畫龍點睛  Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting its Pupils 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990-1992

Heaps of the ceramic pieces had been used in the process of producing the ideal Flambé Blue Jun Glaze for“Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting Its Pupils”


畫龍點睛  Bringing the Painted Dragon to Life by Dotting its Pupils 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990-1992

Blue Jun Glaze

Liao Hongbiao wants to show that immediately after the painter Zhang Sengyao has dotted the dragon’s pupils, the figure and nature integrate into an “oneness” and become identical to each other. Such integration takes place just in an instant, where the lightning is accompanied with thunder, the livened dragon flies up to the sky, the blue sky and the green land become one, and the white clouds dance swiftly.

A glaze that matches a good piece of art perfectly will definitely reinforce the piece’s presentation of the figure’s personality and expressiveness.

1982 Award of Product of Excellence in the National Competition of Artistic Design of Ceramics 1983 National Gold Medal in the Shiwan Ceramic Figures Competition

1982 全國陶瓷美術設計評比 優秀產品獎 1983 石灣陶塑人物評比 獲國家金質獎




漁翁得利(藍鈞釉) A Fisherman with a Good Catch 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1993
漁翁得利(藍鈞釉) A Fisherman with a Good Catch 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1993
漁翁得利(藍鈞釉) A Fisherman with a Good Catch 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1993

Blue Jun Glaze

This is an unusually big work and it is very difficult to achieve successful firing. For example, as the fisherman’s head is heavy and his body is shaped in a big curve, one has to make an accurate estimation of the constriction of the clay. Otherwise the head may droop after firing. Usually those who know ceramics and porcelain well do not want to take any risk. With the eagerness to pursue perfection of three-dimensional structures, Liao Hongbiao does not flinch. He even insists on producing the bronzed colour on the figure’s skin by firing to show that the fisherman has been working under the sun over years and to show the usual burliness of a fisherman’s muscles. The surface of glaze on the sleeves are relatively larger, and the Flambé Blue Jun Glaze produced after firing is claimed perfect provided that its colours seem floating; if its colours look stagnant, its artistic value will be greatly lowered. It is such a case because the Flambé Glaze is an expression of the “art of fire”, where three-tenths of success attributes to creation and seven-tenths of it relies on the will of Heaven. This is why exquisite Flambé Glaze works are so rare. Traditionally, Flambé Glaze has been used mainly on wares or animals. Surprisingly, when the art of Flambé Glaze is applied on ceramic figures of emotions, the marvelous transformation of the colours makes the works more appealing. Works of this kind are combinations of arts of painting, sculpture and Flambé Glaze.

The work places the emphasis on the realistic depiction of the fisherman’s body and muscles and his movements involved in his fishing activity. His facial expressions reveal his satisfaction and the fun of fishing when he catches the carp. The folds of his clothes are treated with the freehand techniques of Badashanren. The gorgeous and unrestrained dark Flambé Blue Jun Glaze emits a sense of primitiveness that belongs to the regions of rivers and lakes, and enables the man and the fish to integrate into an “oneness”. This is a work of simplicity, antiquity, strength and ruralism.

The focal point of the whole work is placed on the figure’s face, in particular his eyes. The old fisherman’s facial muscles are depicted with great details; it seems that even his eyebrows, his beard and his moustache are moving. Besides the details on his face, the dynamic movements of his chest, his neck and his limbs also indicate that he is in a state of ecstasy where he is oblivious of himself. His joy has gone beyond the three-dimensional space, and the work has reached the highest level of the art of sculpture at which the form and the spirit have merged.

漁翁得利(開片白釉) A Fisherman with a Good Catch 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1993




整件作品的精神集中在臉部表情,老漁翁面部肌理刻劃細微,連眉、鬚、鬍子都在動,胸頸結構及手足的動感表現,尤其是眼神, 將漁翁欣喜奔放的形象表達至忘我意境,其內在喜悅情感已躍出了整個立體空間,達到雕塑藝術中形、神相結合的最高境界。

1987 National Exhibition of Arts and Crafts

Selected as a collection item of national treasures

全國工藝美展 獲選入國家珍品收藏

1989First Prize of Product of Excellence of Ceramic Figures in Groups in the Competition of Excellent Products by the Ministry of Light Industry

輕工部優質產品評比 獲集團陶塑人物 優質作品第一名

漁翁得利(開片白釉) A Fisherman with a Good Catch 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1993
漁翁得利(開片白釉) A Fisherman with a Good Catch 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1993
李逵 Li Kui �廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990

The making of the image of Li Kui and other issues, Liao Hongbiao

What makes Li Kui outstanding among the one hundred and eighty warriors in Outlaws of the Marsh is his personality: upright and outspoken, fearless of nothing and no one. Fighting as a daring vanguard throughout his life, he is the hero “most determined to combat the feudal rulers”. In Outlaws of the Marsh, he is the character who most values righteousness, and he believes that anything that is unjust must be eradicated. In order to present the upright, irritable, brave and unruly Li Kui, I have tried to express the features that he displays in the episode of “Raiding the Execution Ground”, in which he brandishes his axes, kills the headsman and rescues Song Jiang and Dai Zong. The reason why I have chosen this episode as the background against which Li Kui is presented is that the plot and actions of this episode fully indicate Li Kui’s belief in righteousness and thoughts.

In the domain of artistic creation, it is important to make breakthroughs in generalization, and to associate the figure with typical situations. A man of impertinence, Li Kui has however shown his courage, fierceness and wits in the episode of “Raiding the Execution Ground”. Before taking any action, he hides himself on the first floor of a restaurant and waits impatiently, and Li Kui is exactly typical of impatience. In order to project his image, I have placed him in a situation where he is anxious to rescue his comrades but has to wait until the time comes. This is a situation of contradiction but it also fits the episode. It is indeed torturous for someone who is impatient and irritable, but it is also a necessary process: waiting – impatient – outbreak of temper. Via this process, the figure’s personality and emotions develop into a climax, which is essential for my creation of this particular figure.

李逵 Li Kui 廖洪標 Liao Hongbiao 1990




Master of Art and Crafts of China  Liao Hongbiao

Liao Hongbiao (1936- ) is a master of Shi-wan pottery. Under his father's guidance, Liao learns the basic techniques and knowledge of clay, glaze and fire, and he builds solid skills for further art development by imitating works by the predecessors. In addition to creating various forms, Liao is diligent in studying and testing various formulas of clay and glaze, and features of fire to best represent his artworks.

His early artworks have the features of Pan Yushu and Liu Chuan, but gradually Liao integrates more and more his ideas in his art. By applying cubic structure, which is often used in western sculpture to emphasize the volume, Liao adds a taste of bold into his simple, powerful artworks. The Founder of the Chan Sect, Attains Enlightenment, and Li Kui are artworks with particular pottery textures, giving a more vivid impression of the characters, and generating strong visual power to viewers. Liao also depicts a subject with different viewpoint from others, such as Budda Sakyamuni, instead of presenting the general image of grace and peace after attaining Buddha-hood, the artwork shows the endurance and hardship during

Besides offering the viewer the traditional sense of affinity found in Shiwan art, Liao Hongbiao’s works embrace the power of the universe and the talents of the artist. His art is an integration of art and crafts (form, meaning and spirit), three-dimensional space and the art of Flambé glaze (clay, glaze and fire), and he makes use of professional techniques (such as expression of the composition, expression of the structure and expression of the sculpture texture) to demonstrate the inner depth and broadness of a work. Liao is not only the most representative figure of the contemporary Shiwan ceramic art but also a hard-to-come-by sculpture master of traditional Chinese crafts and arts. The poetry of Wang Anshi is the most appropriate description of Liao’s life-long devotion to and pursuit of art: “What looks ordinary is indeed the most extraordinary; what seems easy is actually arduous.”

When Foshan TV came to Taiwan to visit the curator Zhang Yuteng in 2013, he said: Liao Hongbiao is the first master of Chinese arts and crafts to hold a solo exhibition at the National Museum of History. This exhibition is of great significance to the times.

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