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Professor Shang Tao

The contemporary charm of expressive flower and bird paintings—a gentle call to awaken inner tranquility. Experience the richness, cuteness, and delightful essence of all things in this new era.

Shang Tao:“Bird-and-flower painting depicts flowers, birds, insects, and fish to please viewers, grant them the enjoyment of beauty, inconspicuously raise their level of aesthetic awareness and taste, and influence and refine their character and spirit.

Professor‭, ‬doctoral student adviser‭, ‬and Curator of the Art Museum at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Wang Huangsheng : Li Kuchen once said Shang Tao is “raw,” but he added, “Rawness is hard to find. Huang Tingjian pursued it his entire life without achieving it.” Shang Tao also calls himself “simple,” it can be said to be a “rawness” of “great learning,” a classical, scholarly rawness.The huge fish and large birds, giant leaves and big flowers, pandas and toads, even birds of prey, that flow from his brush all seem, in a way, approachable and adorable. Shang Tao's belief in art is: Art should be adorable. The word “adorable” itself evokes the innocence of childhood and doting benevolence; it also connotes perseverance in living.






作品《南海》、《仲夏》、《大器》、《金甌》、《天香》分別入選第六、七、八、九、十屆全國美展,其中《大器》榮獲第八屆全國美展優秀作品展最高獎項「展覽會獎」,《金甌》獲第九屆全國美展優秀作品展銅獎;《自在》入選第二屆「全國畫院雙年展」並獲最高獎「學術獎」;《傾國》、《青鳥》、《九皋》分別入選第一、二、三屆全國中國畫展,其中《傾國》獲「全國首屆中國畫大展」銅獎;作品《盛夏》於1987年在阿爾及利亞「世界文化薈萃」(Wrold Culture Show)展出並獲金獎;作品《傾國》於1995年在上海舉辦的「中日水墨畫交流展」上獲金獎;2001作品《盎然》入選國家「百年中國畫展」;作品《大器》於2006年被評為「廣東美協50年50件經典作品」並被廣東省美術館收藏。


44 晴空 A Cloudless Sky 1996
37 泉石之間息 In Between the Stream and Rocks 1991
40 小鳥們 Little Birds 1993
43 惠風和暢 Singing in the Gentle Breeze 1996
52 幽悠 Secluded and Pleasant 1998
41 靜靜庭園 A Very Quiet Garden 1995
51 華朦朧鳥朦朧 Impression of Flowers and Bird 1998
42 名華 Famous Flowers 1994
34 春華Simplicity 1989
36 清蔭 Cool Shade 1990
31 秋葉之間 In Between Autumn Leaves  1988
39 大鳥 A Big Bird 1992
33 光海 A Sea of Light 1988
38 雲天 Above Clouds 1991
46 江上 On the River 1996
50 九皋 Mount Jiugao 1997-2.jpg
49 神鷹 Heavenly Eagles 1997
47 大年 A Good Year 1997
48 大年 A Good Year 1997
30 春酣 A Sound Sleep in Spring 1988
32 意長 Lasting Thoughts 1989
35 清盈 Gentle and Elegant 1990
45 晨風 Morning Breeze 1996
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